By Dave Diamond

Last time I told you about my college InterNet computer.  Well they wont
be  installing  an E-Mail option for many, many months and to top it all
off here are some doosies of my college.....

I  asked  the  bloke  in charge if they will have FTP and the IRC to his
reply was "I dont know what they are".

I  asked if he could show me what all the buttons were for (the tools in
the  menu)  etc  and his response was "I dont know I haven`t got a clue"

The computer crashed 5 times in 5 minutes today.

The  computer  is  THE  most  slowest  computer  I  have EVER used, a ZX
Spectrum is faster - and I`m NOT kidding!

I  was  wrong last article when I said they dont spy on us:  they do now
as  they  have a recorder device so they know the sites we`re visiting -
so  that  means they can read my E-Mail.  I think I`ll have a gander and
delete their programme!  :/\ )

They have No E-Mail facility but I have my own on their computer just by
visiting  the  NetAddress  site where you get a free E-Mail address - so
why  couldn`t they have done this?  I know ziltch about the InterNet but
I have done more than they could ever know!

They  charged  £28  for  a  8  week  course  teaching you how to use the
InterNet!!   No-one  turned  up  by the way!  Probably because they only
have 4 yes 4 `net computers!

[Did  you  know  that  various  educational  and volunteer organisations
require  people  with  internet experience to teach to the non-informed?
There's a job out there for you if you think you are good enough.  Kei]

You can`t print out from the computers with the InterNet installed 8)

Can you imagine the anarchy there would be if they had IRC!!

They spy on what your doing as the dudes sit BEHIND you!!!

They  have  a  sticker  on  the  computer  saying "Anyone looking at any
dubious  material  will  be banned from using the InterNet".  SO why not
use  a  blocker device for all the adult sites then?  Also whatever site
the kids go to they`ll be able to see the pics for themselves as they`re
peeping  on  us.  Also on the sticker it says "You may only use the `net
for  30  minutes"  !!!!!!!!!!   It  takes  about  5 minues to load a 69k
file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And  finally  and I love this they also say "You
must  book  the  `net  in  advance"  -  well seeming as they only have 4
computers I think they may as well put an usher in front of the `pooters
so  you  can  actually find your way around - hey you may be ambushed by
the demand!

This  article was written to show just how crap my lousy valley of Wales
is, sure the valley is beautifull but the technology is lame!  Thank god
I`m only half welsh!!

Another reason this article was written was the fact that when I used the
net for the first time (in a city univercity) there were over 30 computers
with IRC, FTP and everything you could possible want.
My mate who`s a teacher in charge of computers at a different school says
that colleges can get IRC etc for free - so why does my crappy college
suck so`s free you lamers!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET

Contact me...

[I'll just add a few comments as you do..

They don't need a "recorder" program as most browsers save history files
listing  where  you  have visited and remote access to this is available
through  your cookie file so set your browser to confirm sending cookies
out and delete your history files and disk and memory caches after using
a computer.

Read the on-line info for these free email servers.  They usually say no
free email access to comercial or educational establishments.

IRC  may  be  free  but  educational  establishments  usually  ban it or
restrict access as it is addictive and has little educational content at
all.  They also believe it dimishes our F2F people skills.

Also, I'm part Welsh as well! ;)

